Ecommerce email marketing agency responsible for over $10M in sales reveals...

The Ultimate Guide For eCom Brands That Are Frustrated With Their Email Revenue


The right Klaviyo trigger to use, so you know how to set these up

The psychology reasons that make each flow work

Possible themes and email ideas for each flow

The ideal length of each flow

KPIs for each flow


An action-packed 16,352-word guide with...

  • Not all subscribers are created equal: The importance of HIGH-VALUE subscribers (and how to attract them)
  • So you've filled your list with subscribers, now what? (start turning them into buyers with these 3 steps)
  • The #1 mistake brands make in their Cart Abandonment flows that's costing them THOUSANDS of dollars each month and how to fix it (we're doubling conversion rates doing what i’m showing you)

Includes real email examples

And actionable advice you've never seen before, such as...

  • The underrated flow that will get you sales while improving your brand's perception and likability (let me show you how to build a Birthday Flow that works)
  • The 7 ways to optimize an email & SMS marketing program to have evergreen sales and emails that convert through all quarters of the year
  • How to solve email deliverability using the CSI Framework
  • The type of email you should be using depending on your products: designed, text-based or hybrid emails. We’ve sold over $10m through emails and THIS IS OUR FINAL VERDICT
  • How to keep your margins healthy while still flooding with new buyers by using Offer Ladders
  • Someone just purchased from you? Use these 8 Retention & Ascension sequences to keep them as a customer
  • How we tripled the sales of a Welcome Flow
  • One way to gather insights automatically for marketing, product development and advertising (without any of the “noise” from low-quality customers)
  • Improve the conversion rate of your website using this flow (often overlooked even by 7 and 8-figure businesses)

But not only that...

  • The ONLY metric to pay attention to when growing your list, and it's NOT the pop-up submission rate (in fact, using that metric could be killing your deliverability and losing you money)
  • How this one email sequence can influence the way people perceive you and your products FOREVER (and the building blocks needed to create one)
  • The only 2 goals for email campaigns (one is to sell, the other one is less obvious but just as important and works in all eCommerce industries and niches we’ve worked in)
  • What Abraham Lincoln can teach us about email optimization
  • How to analyze your sales data to find hidden revenue opportunities, with examples (and the 2 Shopify apps we use to make it easier)
  • 3 ways to do market research, including one done for you on autopilot. So simple that…

If You Only Get One Takeaway From This Mega-guide This Might Be In The Top 3 Most Important.


  • The best criteria to use for segmentation (with examples) and how it can help you lower your Klaviyo bill and make more money by sending fewer emails
  • Should you load your emails with images or not? (here are the 5 criteria we use, learned from over $10m generated through email and specifically Klaviyo)
  • The 7 guidelines we use to create pop-ups that outperform our client’s conversion rates 10 out of 10 times (with an actual example)
  • Before you send your next email make sure it passes this test of performance (The REV Check. Make sure your emails are relevant, entertaining or valuable. Ideally a mix of them all.)
  • How to ethically profit from customer's moments of Peak Excitement
  • The #1 mistake 7, 8 and even 9-figure brands make inside their flows that's costing them tens of thousands of dollars a month
  • How ChatGPT emails can get you in Email ABYSS. The worst part is…

You Won't Even Notice It Until It’s Too Late – don’t make this mistake please


  • 14 ways to come up with magnetic offers to attract new and repeat customers (we’ve used them across over 10 different eCommerce industries)
  • Turning your customers into referral machines with email (having a referral program is not enough)
  • The #1 reason customers FORGET about your brand and how to prevent it
  • How to beat Zuck at his own game (and have him build one of your most important business assets without spending an extra dollar)
  • Why one Welcome Sequence is RARELY enough if you want to maximize sales. Every time we do what I’m showing you we get at least double the sales, like this:

Finally, the cherry on top:

  • Why it's critical you "Klaviyo-cookie" as many of your subscribers if you want to squeeze Klaviyo the most
  • The Abandonment sequence that can add an extra $3-10k to your store every month on autopilot
  • How to setup Win Back flows to attract lost customers without losing margin
  • The type and frequency of content you need to turn a subscriber into a buyer like CLOCKWORK
  • Why a Returning Customer Flow can set you up ahead of 99% of your competition
  • The 2 ways to frame your review request emails to maximize response rates
  • How one type of email (commonly used by freelancers and agencies) is robbing you money without you even knowing. I’ve audited hundreds of Klaviyo accounts and this one is like a virus that…


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